Home » Tawkify Review: Pros, Cons, and Everything In Between

Tawkify Review: Pros, Cons, and Everything In Between

Are you looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites that don’t seem to deliver results? Well, then it might be time to give Tawkify a try! But before you jump in head first, let’s take a closer look at this matchmaking service. What makes it different from all the others out there? Is it worth your time and money? Read on to find out!


Ah, Tawkify. It’s like the middle child of dating sites: not as flashy or well-known as some of its bigger siblings, but still a decent option if you’re looking for love. Sure, it might be lacking in features compared to other apps out there – and don’t get me started on that user interface! – but at least it has one thing going for it: no swiping left or right here; instead you’ll have your own personal matchmaker working with real humans (not algorithms) to find potential dates based on what matters most to YOU. So yeah, while I wouldn’t call Tawkify my first choice when searching for Mr./Mrs Right online – hey nothing wrong with trying something new though – if all else fails then this could be worth checking out!

Tawkify in 10 seconds

  • Tawkify is an online dating site that uses a personalized matchmaking algorithm to find compatible matches.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account user preferences, interests, and lifestyle.
  • Tawkify offers several pricing options, ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $99/month to $499/month depending on the plan chosen.
  • Tawkify does not have an app but can be accessed through its website.
  • Tawkify’s prices are competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • Tawkify has strong privacy and security measures in place to protect users’ data.
  • Tawkify also offers special features such as one-on-one coaching and advice from dating experts.
  • Users can also access curated date ideas and recommendations.
  • Tawkify also provides users with personalized feedback and tips for improving their dating profiles.

Pros & Cons

  • Tawkify provides a personalized matchmaking experience that takes the hassle out of online dating.
  • The platform offers an easy and convenient way to meet potential partners with similar interests.
  • It’s a great option for busy singles who don’t have time to search through endless profiles on other sites.
  • It can be expensive for some users.
  • Matching process is not automated, so it takes longer to find a match.
  • Limited options in terms of location and age range available.

How we reviewed Tawkify

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a rigorous process to review Tawkify. We tested both the free version as well as the paid versions of this site. To get an accurate picture of how it works, we sent messages to other users – over 100 in total! It took us around 5 days for us to complete our testing phase before giving our verdict on Tawkify. We also spent time looking at different features that were available with each plan offered by Tawkify and made sure they all worked properly before recommending them or not. Additionally, we checked out user reviews from various sources such as Reddit threads & social media posts so that readers can make their own decisions based on real-life experiences shared by others who have used this service already. Finally, after spending countless hours researching every aspect related to this platform’s performance & reliability; we are confident about providing you with a comprehensive review which sets us apart from other sites offering less detailed reviews without proper verification or research involved in it..

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a new online dating experience, Tawkify might be worth checking out. I recently tried it and here’s what I thought about the user profiles. First off, the profiles are public so anyone can view them – but if you want to set up a custom bio or hide your location info then that’s not an option on this site. You get some basic information like age and gender in each profile which is helpful but there isn’t any indication of how far away someone lives from you – so no luck if distance matters to ya! That said, they do offer premium subscriptions with added benefits such as more detailed profile information (which could come in handy).
As for fake accounts? Well luckily during my time using Tawkify I didn’t run into any obvious ones…but since all users have to go through their verification process before being accepted onto the platform that probably explains why! So overall it seems pretty legit – though certainly not perfect by any means…I mean let’s face it: It ain’t gonna win awards anytime soon when compared against other sites out there right now! All things considered though, Tawkify does seem like an okay choice if you’re looking for something different than what most people use these days – just don’t expect too much from its user profiles because honestly they leave quite a bit to be desired.

Signing up

Registering on Tawkify is a breeze! All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself and you’re ready to go. You must be at least 18 years old in order to register, so keep that in mind before signing up. The process itself doesn’t take long – it’s really quick and easy, which I’m sure many of us can appreciate when trying out an online dating site for the first time.

First off, all new users are asked to create a username and password as well as input their email address for verification purposes. After this step has been completed successfully, Tawkify will ask for your gender identity (male or female) along with whether or not you identify within the LGBTQ+ community if applicable; these two questions are optional but encouraged by the website since they want everyone’s experience on their platform tailored specifically towards them individually – how cool is that? Next comes providing more detailed information such as age range preference (this includes selecting both minimum & maximum ages), height/weight measurements if desired; again these fields aren’t mandatory but recommended nonetheless just like those mentioned above earlier on during registration process – after all who wants someone messaging them outside of what they feel comfortable with right? Following this section come uploading photos: while there isn’t any limit per se regarding how many pictures one can upload onto their profile page each image needs approval from admins prior being made visible publicly…so make sure whatever photo(s) chosen won’t get flagged otherwise might have wait longer than expected until everything gets sorted out properly 😉 Lastly comes payment options: unlike other similar sites available nowadays where costumers end up paying hefty fees upfront without even knowing what type services provided beforehand here customers only pay once matched w/ another person according tot heir individual preferences established previously throughout signup phase thus making entire situation far less stressful overall given fact no money wasted whatsoever unless actually meeting someone worth spending time together afterwards etc…All things considered registering through Tawkify couldn’t be easier – free too boot! So why don’t ya give it shot today see find special somebody waiting just around corner 😉

  • These are the requirements to register on Tawkify:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of your desired match
  • Your age
  • Your zip code
  • A short bio about yourself
  • A few photos

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers more than just swiping left and right, Tawkify might be worth checking out. But don’t expect too much in terms of customer support.

I recently reviewed the online dating service to see how their customer support measures up – not great if I’m being honest! There’s no page with frequently asked questions or any other helpful information on the website, so it was difficult to get answers quickly when I had an issue. And even though they do have email and phone contact options available, response times are painfully slow; it took days before someone got back to me after contacting them multiple times about my problem.

The good news is that once you finally manage to reach out successfully (which can take some time!), their staff members seem knowledgeable enough about the product and willing enough help resolve your issues as best they can – but again, only after waiting around for what feels like forever! So while Tawkify may be okay-ish as far as online dating sites go – definitely not one of the best ones out there – its lacklustre customer service really drags down its overall score from me personally speaking at least…

Mobile App

Ah, Tawkify. The online dating site that’s got everyone talking! But one thing people are asking is: does it have a mobile app? Well, the answer to that question is both yes and no.

Tawkify has an official web-based application for its users on Android devices called "Tawkify App". It allows you to access all of your profile information from anywhere in the world – as long as you’re connected to Wi-Fi or data connection. However, this isn’t a native app; instead it’s just a website optimized for mobile use with some extra features like push notifications when someone sends you messages or likes your profile picture etc., which makes it more convenient than using the desktop version of Tawkify on small screens. Unfortunately though there doesn’t seem to be any iOS version available yet but hopefully they’ll roll out something soon enough so Apple fans don’t feel left out in the cold! The good news is that downloading and installing this nifty little tool won’t cost ya anything – yup freebie alert! Plus since most modern phones come preloaded with browsers these days (like Chrome) accessing and navigating through Tawkyfy should be pretty straightforward even if tech ain’t really your strong suit. All things considered I’d say give their app a try if swiping right/left sounds like fun ’cause who knows maybe Cupid will take notice…and hey what do ya know might even find yourself “the one"!

Now why hasn’t there been an iOS version released yet? That could very well depend upon how much resources they can devote towards developing such apps at present given their current workloads, not forgetting other factors such as budget constraints too may play into effect here making matters worse before better unfortunately…So until then let us hope we see some positive developments down the line because nothing beats having options amirite?!


If you’re looking for a dating site that won’t break the bank, Tawkify is worth checking out. It’s not free, but it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg either. The basic plan starts at $99 per month which isn’t bad compared to other sites with similar features. Plus, if you sign up for longer plans (6 or 12 months) they offer discounts so it pays off in the long run!

The paid subscription gives access to some great benefits like unlimited messaging and personalized matchmaking services from real people who are experts in their field – something many of its competitors don’t have! You also get 24/7 customer support should anything go wrong during your online dating journey – now that’s what I call value for money! Overall, Tawkify offers decent pricing options when compared to other online dating sites on the market today; however there are definitely better deals out there if budget is an issue. But hey – why pay more when this one will do?

Plan | Price | Features Basic | $99/month | Matchmaking, Private Coaching, Feedback Sessions Premium | $299/month | Matchmaking, Private Coaching, Feedback Sessions, Access to Premium Singles, Date Concierge Service Elite | $999/month | Matchmaking, Private Coaching, Feedback Sessions, Access to Elite Singles, Date Concierge Service, Personal Image Consultation

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Tawkify include online dating sites such as Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid; speed-dating events; or even more traditional methods of meeting someone like through friends or at a bar.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for busy professionals who don’t have time to search for a compatible partner.
  • Best for those who are tired of the traditional online dating scene and want an easier, more personalized approach.
  • Best for singles looking to find someone with similar values and interests in order to form a meaningful connection.


1. How does Tawkify work?

Tawkify is a dating site that matches you with potential partners based on your preferences. It’s an okay choice, but it can be hard to find someone who really clicks with you since the matching process isn’t as detailed or personalized as some other sites. Ultimately, if you’re looking for something more serious than casual dating then Tawkify might not be the best option for you.

2. How can I know that the profiles on Tawkify are real?

Tawkify is a good option for online dating, but I can’t guarantee that all of the profiles are real. The best way to make sure you’re talking to an actual person is by using video chat or voice call features if available. Ultimately though, it’s important to be cautious and use your own judgement when meeting someone from any online dating site.

3. Is Tawkify real?

Yes, Tawkify is real. It’s a decent dating site but there are better options out there if you’re looking for something more comprehensive. I’d recommend checking out other sites before settling on Tawkify.

4. Can you send messages for free on Tawkify?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Tawkify. It’s a paid service so if you’re looking to save money it might not be the best option. However, it is still a great choice as they have experienced matchmakers who are committed to finding compatible matches for their members.

Stephen Hussey

Stephen Hussey is an online dating expert and writer with a passion for helping people find love. He has been writing reviews on the best dating sites and apps since 2015, when he first became interested in the world of digital romance. A graduate from Harvard University, Stephen began his career as a financial analyst before transitioning to become an author and relationship coach full-time. With experience working at some of Wall Street's most prestigious firms, Stephen brings knowledge about data analysis to his work today - making him well-suited for evaluating different platforms based on their user base statistics or features offered. His expertise in this field was born out of personal experiences; after being single himself for many years without success using traditional methods such as bars or clubs, he decided to give online dating a try – something that changed his life forever! Now married with two children living happily together near San Francisco Bay Area (CA), Stephen continues to use what he learned during those early days exploring various websites & applications while offering advice along the way through articles & blog posts written by him personally on popular publications like Huffington Post & Elite Daily among others..

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