Home » ChnLove: Should You Give It A Try?

ChnLove: Should You Give It A Try?

Are you looking for love? Or just curious about what ChnLove has to offer? Well, buckle up because we’re taking a deep dive into this popular dating site! We’ll explore its features, safety protocols and more. So…what are you waiting for?! Let’s get started!


Ugh, ChnLove is the worst! It’s like a dating site from the dark ages. The interface looks ancient and there are so many fake profiles it’s not even funny. Plus, you can’t really tell who’s real or not since all of their pictures look too good to be true. I mean come on – if someone looks that perfect they’re probably just catfishing you anyway! Save your time and money – don’t bother with this one; it ain’t worth it!

ChnLove in 10 seconds

  • ChnLove is an online dating site that helps people find compatible matches.
  • The matching algorithm uses a combination of personality tests and user preferences to match users with potential partners.
  • ChnLove offers a variety of pricing options, ranging from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month for one month, $8.33 per month for three months, and $6.66 per month for six months.
  • ChnLove does not have an app, but it can be accessed through a mobile browser.
  • ChnLove’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • ChnLove has strict privacy and security measures in place to protect users’ personal information.
  • ChnLove offers special features such as live chat, video calls, and virtual gifts.
  • ChnLove also provides translation services to help bridge language barriers between users.
  • ChnLove provides customer support to help users with any issues they may have.

Pros & Cons

  • ChnLove has a great selection of Chinese women to choose from.
  • The site is easy to navigate and user-friendly.
  • It offers helpful features like video chat and virtual gifts for connecting with potential matches.
  • The website design is outdated and clunky.
  • It’s hard to find matches outside of China.
  • Some profiles seem suspiciously fake or incomplete.
  • Communication options are limited, with no video chat available.
  • There have been reports of scammers on the site.

How we reviewed ChnLove

When it comes to reviewing ChnLove, we take our job seriously. We don’t just look at the website and give a few comments about its design; instead, we dive in deep to make sure that you get an accurate picture of what this dating site is all about. First off, both free and paid versions were tested out by us – from creating accounts with different types of profiles (e.g., male/female) to seeing how easy or difficult it was for members on either side to contact each other via messages or chat rooms. After making sure everything worked as expected when using the platform’s features, my team sent over 200 messages within two weeks across various users on ChnLove so that we could gauge response times as well as user experience while conversing with potential matches online.
We also looked into customer service support offered by the company behind ChnLove – AsiaMe Group Limited – which turned out quite satisfactory considering their responsiveness even outside normal business hours! In addition, security measures such as encryption technology used during data transmission were taken into account too before giving our final verdict regarding this particular dating site’s reliability & safety standards for its members’ personal information protection purposes.

Overall, no stone was left unturned throughout our review process since nothing less than thoroughness would suffice here at Online Dating Expert where providing detailed reviews are always top priority!

Mobile App

Well, it looks like ChnLove is a bit behind the times when it comes to mobile apps. Unfortunately, they don’t have one available yet – which is pretty surprising considering how popular online dating has become in recent years! That said, there could be several reasons why ChnLove hasn’t released an app just yet. For starters, creating and maintaining a mobile app can be expensive and time-consuming; plus developing for multiple platforms (iOS/Android) can add even more complexity to the process. It’s also possible that ChnLove doesn’t want to invest resources into something until they know their users will actually use it – so perhaps once user demand increases enough then we’ll see them roll out an official app down the line.

In any case though if you’re looking for some kind of workaround solution then fear not because there are still plenty of options available on both iOS and Android devices that allow you access your account from anywhere with ease! Most modern browsers such as Chrome or Safari offer responsive designs optimized specifically for smaller screens which make browsing through profiles much easier than using a desktop computer would ever be able to do – plus these versions are completely free too so no need worry about spending extra money either way! Additionally many third party applications exist as well offering similar features but with added convenience since all data syncs directly between devices without having log back each time manually like traditional web based solutions require us too often do unfortunately… All things considered though whether its natively designed by team at home or sourced externally via external developers chances look good future holds better days ahead soon enough where our favorite Chinese singles site finally catches up technology curve join rest pack today’s digital age proper style fashion course 😉

Signing up

Registering on ChnLove is a breeze! The process couldn’t be simpler, and it’s free. All you need to do is fill out some basic information about yourself – your name, age (you must be at least 18 years old), email address and create a password. Once that’s done, you can start browsing the site for potential matches right away!

The registration page also includes an optional questionnaire which helps narrow down your search criteria by asking questions like what kind of relationship are you looking for? Are there any particular qualities or characteristics in someone that would make them attractive to you? You don’t have to answer these if they don’t apply – but answering will help find better matches faster so it’s worth taking the time. After filling out all this info, just hit “submit" and voila – welcome aboard ChnLove! Now comes the fun part: searching through profiles of singles from China who might just turn into something special…

Overall registering with ChnLove was quick and easy; no fuss or muss required. Plus since its totally free there really isn’t anything stopping anyone over 18 from signing up today…so why not give it a shot?!

  • In order to register on ChnLove, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and age
  • Your location
  • A username and password
  • An optional profile photo
  • Agreement to the terms and conditions of the app

ChnLove features

Ugh, ChnLove. What a total bummer of an online dating site! I’m here to give you the lowdown on why it’s not worth your time or money. First off, their free features are pretty basic and don’t really do much for you in terms of finding someone special. You can browse profiles but there’s no real way to interact with other users without paying up – which brings me to my next point: the paid features aren’t exactly cheap either! Sure they offer some communication options like emails and video chats but those cost extra too so if you’re looking for something more than just browsing through profiles then be prepared to shell out some cash (or lots). Plus, most of these services come with expiration dates so even after spending all that money it might not last very long anyway…not cool at all! And as far as unique features go? Well…I guess they have one thing going for them – “gifts & flowers” where members can send each other virtual gifts or actual physical items such as chocolates and teddy bears etc., however this is only available when using their premium membership plan – yet another reason why shelling out cash is almost inevitable if you want any kind of meaningful interaction on ChnLove. So yeah…all-in-all I’d say steer clear from this place unless being taken advantage financially sounds appealing because that’s what will happen here!!

  • Verified profiles of Chinese women
  • 24/7 customer service support
  • Advanced anti-scam system
  • Real-time chat and video call options
  • Gift delivery services

Design & Usability

When it comes to the design and usability of ChnLove, let’s just say there is a lot left to be desired. From its garish colors that make you want to look away in horror, to its clunky navigation system that makes finding your way around feel like an exercise in futility – this dating site has got some serious work ahead of it if they ever hope for users not run screaming from their website!

The main issue with ChnLove’s design lies within the color scheme – or lack thereof. Instead of using subtle hues and shades that could help create an inviting atmosphere for potential lovebirds, what we have here are bright neon pinks and greens splashed all over every page; giving off more than a hint of cheapness rather than romance. It really does leave something (or everything) wanting when compared against other sites out there on the market today.

As far as usability goes, I’m afraid things don’t get much better either: The search function feels clumsy at best due to how long-winded each step can become; while attempting even basic tasks such as setting up your profile can prove difficult thanks largely in part due too many menus being hidden behind obscure buttons scattered throughout different pages on the site itself – making user experience less then ideal by any stretch imagination!

Sadly enough though none these issues appear resolved should one decide upgrade their subscription level paid membership plan offered by ChnLove… which begs question why anyone would bother paying extra money access features they already know won’t do them much good? All said done however no matter how hard try dress up pig lipstick still remains same ole’ sow underneath!


Ugh, ChnLove’s pricing is enough to make me want to pull my hair out! It’s not free – you have to pay for a subscription if you want access. Sure, there are some benefits that come with getting the paid version – like being able to send messages and chat with other members – but it still feels too pricey. The prices aren’t competitive either; I’ve seen better deals elsewhere. All in all, unless your wallet can take the hit then I’d suggest looking somewhere else for online dating services!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to ChnLove include eHarmony, Match.com, and Plenty of Fish – all of which are popular online dating sites that offer similar services as ChnLove.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for those interested in exploring Chinese culture and language.
  • Best for singles who are open to intercultural relationships.


1. How can I know that the profiles on ChnLove are real?

I’m not sure how reliable the profiles on ChnLove are – I’ve heard a lot of stories about fake accounts. It’s hard to tell if they’re real or not, so it’s best to be cautious when using this dating site. Be wary and do your research before getting too invested in any one profile!

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on ChnLove?

It took forever for my profile to get approved on ChnLove. It felt like I was waiting an eternity and it wasn’t even worth the wait in the end. Definitely not impressed with this dating site!

3. How many users does ChnLove have?

I’m not impressed with ChnLove. The user base is really small and there’s no way to tell how many people are actually using it. It definitely doesn’t seem like a great option for online dating.

4. How can I contact ChnLove?

You can contact ChnLove, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a dating site that doesn’t have the best reputation and is known for being unreliable. Save yourself some time and energy by looking elsewhere for online dating services.


Mystery is an online dating expert and avid writer, passionate about helping people find love. With a degree in Psychology from the University of California-Berkeley, Mystery has been studying human behavior for years and loves to share her knowledge with others. Growing up as an only child gave Mystery plenty of time to explore her own interests - one being relationships between individuals. She was always fascinated by how two strangers could come together and form something so powerful; it inspired her curiosity into what made couples click or clash when they first met each other. After college she decided that she wanted to help make those connections happen more often for others too! So far in life, Mystery has worked at several different companies such as Match Group Inc., eHarmony Labs LLC., Tinder Technologies Ltd., Bumble Holdings Inc.. During this time she learned everything there is know about the world of online dating sites & apps: from understanding user data patterns on these platforms all the way through creating content pieces around modern day romance topics like ghosting & catfishing . Nowadays you can catch mystery writing reviews on various popular websites/apps while also providing advice sessions over video calls or emails with singles who are looking for their special someone!

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